
Tag: When to Sell Business

One of the more challenging things I do as a business broker is to present a business valuation to a client who thinks their business is worth more than it is. For years they worked hard at their businesses, putting in countless hours, dealing with employees and their issues, working through tight cash flow and all of the challenges a business owner faces. They were getting ahead and building value. During this time they bought cars, purchased homes and provided for their children s’ education. They supported their lifestyle through the business, and they have been looking forward to cashing out with enough money to fund their retirement. They didn’t stop to contemplate what drives the business sales value....

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Is now the time to sell your business? More than 75 million baby boomers are nearing retirement age, and many of them own businesses. It’s no wonder that we have seen an increase in business sales over the last year. According to BizBuySell, 2013 small business sales were up close to 42% from the previous year, and that trend is expected to continue....

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